Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Gross \'gros\ adj 1. lacking knowledge or culture, unrefined 2. boys

I believe we have well mannered children. Even Bradley (who will be 2 on Friday) says peas, tank you, and welcome. I work hard to make sure they know proper dinner etiquette, to say yes sir and yes ma’am and how to ask for something. Others have expressed their admiration in the level of manners our boys exhibit.

They should have been there for breakfast. Breakfast is very relaxed at my house, the twins are up first and I make lunches while they eat at the counter. Tyler wanted to tell me what his friend had taught him at school, but it required getting up and giving me a demonstration.

“Mommy, did you know that if you bend your arm like this (looking at the inside of the elbow) it looks like a butt? And if you take your finger and put it in a brown shirt, and push it through it looks like poop?”

No, I did not know this, and I didn’t even want to watch him do it. Luckily, no brown shirts were nearby.

“What do you think Mommy?”

A response, this requires a response? What am I supposed to say?

“That is gross.”

I didn’t have anything better to say. Most of the grossness I can handle. Farts, burps, blood, dirt, mud, worms, frogs (just no dead ones see older post). I need to come up with some wittier comments. The other day I went in to give the twins a kiss goodnight and Tyler called me back as I was leaving his room. He had sat up on the top bunk and wanted another kiss. As soon as I was in front of him, he farted. Immediately laughter erupted from both of them. This I can handle. It’s natural (for the most part). I’ve been known to pass gas and blame it on my children. Or even pass gas while standing next to one of them. Maybe because I have allowed the ‘grossness’ to some degree they think I can handle arms looking like butts. And I can, I just need wittier comebacks. Any suggestions?

Beans, Beans
They are good for your heart,
The more you eat 'em, the more you fart!


  1. Yep, that is gross.. but funny ;)

  2. My 5 year old little girl makes a point to go sit on her daddy to pass gas. Sadly, I encourage it by laughing hysterically!!

    Potty humor gets me every time!

    Happy SITS day!

  3. how funny!!!! you never know what those boys are going to come up with!!!! lucky me i only have one!!!!! :)

  4. That's gross but dare I say creative?

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  5. I have gross boys too, but no suggestion on a witty comeback. I probably would've just rolled my eyes and commented on the grossness too. Oh boys, they are so much fun :)

    Happy SITS Day!!

  6. Oh honey, I sooo relate! I have 3 boyz as well. It's all about the poop, boogers and body parts over in my Trenches too!

  7. I always thought it was "beans, beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you tute".

    Boys will be boys....Not sure what advice I could give you, seems like you are handling it just fine. ;)

  8. I am the lucky mom of 2 girls. They too have their share of burps & farts, but that's about as gross as it gets.

    Happy SITS!

  9. I'm afraid I don't have any witty comebacks. My son (3 yrs) only recently discovered worms. And oh what a joy they are! Ick.

  10. Great, this is what I have to look forward to (my boy is only 2 and a half). Gross! :-)

  11. Hahahhahahaha This was funny, They come up with the silliest things don't they ?

  12. I just have one little girl and we're wanting to try for #2. Can I tell you that I am beyond TERRIFIED to have a boy!!! I don't know how you do it but I am in awe!! :)

    Happy SITS day!

  13. LOL the joys of boys.

    Happy SITS day!

  14. I am so glad I haven't hit this part of the boy stage yet. I'm sure its coming but I will cherish every day without the farts, poop or frogs. Happy SITS day.

  15. Yes, I'm all too aware of the grossness of boys. My 4 year old's favorite thing to do is fart on his dad. They'll be wrestling and Jayden will jump on his dad's back and proceed to 'push a big one out'. I grew up with all sisters, this was new to me Ü

  16. I LOVE it! Particularly because I am outnumbered by 3 guys myself.... continual grossness! ;) Great blog, btw!
    - Michelle

  17. Gotta LOVE boys! It is a perpetual fart-fest at our house! Someone is always "tooting" or pretending to and then laughing like it's the funniest thing they've ever heard. Enjoy them! Mine are growing up WAY too fast!

  18. I always told my son to save that kind of stuff to impress his friends.

  19. Stopping by from SITS. My son is 23 and still makes a production of farts. It is good to track the stories when they are young. I remember my son being so witty and silly - but I cannot remember all the cute sayings.

  20. I can only imagine what my son with think of one day...and mostly because he'll be following his father's lead! Ha! My biggest kid of all!

  21. I come from a family with what my husband calls "anal humor."
    to this day a fart makes me crack up.

    which is hard when you like to do yoga. Or teach.

    Let me just say it's really hard to do a fancy pose or keep a class in order when you can't help but burst out laughing at the THOUGHT of a fart.

    happy sits day!!

  22. Oh good Lord - this just makes me laugh out loud. I have one daughter and two little boys, 15 months apart. God help my soul...

    This story made me laugh out loud. No, I don't have anything witty you could have said...So sorry...I'm just laughing at what will be my fate in about two more years...

  23. If I pass gas(better out than in.right?)while around all the kids, I say "so and so...stop pooting". That way, no one will know it was really me. Works (almost) every time;)

  24. I probably would have asked mine why he would want a butt so close to his face. Boys are gross and I have learned if you can't beat em join em (only at home of course). I too have blamed farts on my kids, it's one of the many perks of motherhood. Happy belated SITS day!

  25. I agree with Sabreena... Why would you want a butt so close to your face much less poop that is made out of a brown shirt on your belly! Lol
    Again, Happy SITS day!!!


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