Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten Things Tuesday - june30

As I continue my new endeavor into the world of blogs, I stumble upon many great women doing awesome things day in and day out. XBox Wife runs a blog that includes Ten Things Tuesday - What are you thankful for Today? (see side button)
In our crazy hectic lives we often forget to be thankful for what we have and instead chase the greener pasture over there. Starting today I am going to list my 10 things each Tuesday as a reminder that there is a lot to be thankful for - even if the economy is down and your hubby is out of work and medical bills need to be paid.

I am grateful for:
  • my husband, who works hard everyday taking care of our boys and me
  • our boys, all three are miracles in and of themselves
  • for having lost a few along the way, because it made me appreciate life so much more
  • a job that gives me the flexibility to do balance my love of work and love of home
  • summer, my favorite season of the year
  • all the extra squash my hubby had me plant - we'll have enough to share
  • the ability to keep our home when many around us are not
  • the day lilies that are starting to bloom in the front yard
  • days of sunshine, so the boys are not stuck inside all day
  • Independence Day - for giving us all an opportunity to celebrate our freedom and thank someone who helped or is helping us keep it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

toothless tooth fairy

A friend is getting ready for her child’s first tooth loss and posted the question on facebook "How much does the tooth fairy pay?" 16 people answered, and I was shocked at the range. Non parents were up for a quarter or two, but the parents were paying up to $20.00 for a first time tooth loss. $20.00 buys diapers and formula for a week. $20.00, to a five year old is a gold mine, and can buy 20 toys at the dollar store that will only get stepped on.

Our tooth fairy is cheap in comparison. Not as cheap as those non parents, but a lot cheaper than $10 or $20. Our tooth fairy brings $1.00 for each tooth, no matter when or how it is lost. There have been times when the tooth was not placed under the pillow (ADVISEMENT: Teach them to put it next to the pillow, less likely for the tooth fairy to wake them). Instead a note to the fairy on how the tooth was lost.

Twins are odd creatures. Each, individuals in their own right, sometimes my mirror image boys have similarities that are on the verge of eerie.

T1 lost his first tooth in the summer before Kindergarten. We knew he and T2 each had a loose tooth, but his was looser. One day while eating lunch at preschool, his bottom left central incisor fell out. Not knowing any better – he swallowed it. When I came to pick them up that day, he was distraught – how would the tooth fairy know he had lost a tooth? Would we have to get it out of his stomach? Quickly I soothed him and explained we would not get it out of his stomach, that the tooth fairy understood and would take a note instead. That night, we sat down and wrote a note to the tooth fairy about eating his tooth and would she please forgive him. In the morning, $1.00 was found underneath the pillow, and the note had disappeared. T1 was thrilled – and said he wouldn’t be swallowing anymore of his teeth.

A few days later, I arrived at school to pick them up and found T2, toothless. His bottom RIGHT central incisor had fallen out. This was his first tooth loss. I asked where the tooth was and he said, “Well… it fell out while I was eating lunch, and I swallowed it. But we can write a note right?”

“Yes we can write a note.” I said while thinking how odd that they both swallowed their first tooth, which were mirror image losses.

Other than a dimple in a cute little chin, What's more adorable than a toothless grin?~Azu "Betty" Espezia

Friday, June 19, 2009

Little Man's Creed

About a week ago, Little man was playing with a car. I know, nothing special. When he was done, he left it on the floor and walked away. T2 came by and picked up the car.

From the other end of the house, around the corner, through a wall – Little man KNEW. Someone had his toy. Immediately he walks out into the living room and begins to look for suspects. Within seconds T2 is spotted and a SQUEAL erupts from little man’s mouth. He sprints (ok runs like a duck) for T2 and tries to take it from him, all the while screaming “MINE.” I, as the most level headed, fair, Mommy yell over Little man’s screams, “GIVE IT TO HIM!”

Like a good son, T2 does as he is told and then comes over to ask why can’t Little Man share? I laugh, and then I bring out the scrapbook from when he and T1 turned two. On the very first page is the toddler’s creed with a picture of the twins innocently sitting beneath it. I had him read the creed and we talked about what it meant. Then I explained, while Little man is learning to express himself and share, there will be LOTS of tantrums. We will not let him hit or fight for what he wants, but sometimes, when the toys was Little man’s to begin with, it is easier to just give it to him. T2said he understood and then asked if he acted like that when he was two. I laughed.

A few days later my hubby and I were discussing Little man’s tantrums. He said he didn’t know if he was going to make through them. I told him it could be worse. He looked at me with a blank stare and asked how.
I smirked and said, “he could’ve been a twin.”

If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it will never belong to anybody else, no matter what.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If it looks just like mine, it is mine.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

road trip

Tomorrow we are going to the beach. While I love the beach, and spending time with my boys, getting there is a production.
First I pack for all 5 of us, to include the
clothes, diapers and wipes,
sunscreen (I love the new spray on stuff!!!),
bathing suits,
sheets/towels (because I would rather haul it home than stand around doing laundry on our last day),
rainy time activities (it never fails), board games, movies, cars, cars, and more cars
soap, toothbrushes, etc.

Then I pack the suburban. I love my suburban, it is now my dream car. The twins are in the way back with an isle to walk down so they don’t climb over the seats. Bradley gets the middle, and adults only in the front. Before I can pack, I have to clean it out first. This is where it gets scary. Now I am not known for the cleanliness of cars, but you never know what you will find lurking beneath the sheet across the back seat (put there for easy clean up of spills). Something round and fuzzy, once kin to a chicken, now gone on to a greener place. Pieces of toys, the cups I told them to take into the house. Multiple matchbox cars. Sticky purple cup holders that must be pried out and washed in the sink. Spit balls, straws, and then way down in the cracks between the seats I can see French Fries. (Ever notice how they don’t mold – yet we feed them to our children) I’ll never get them out of there, unless I plan on taking the seats out – not going to happen. So after a quick wipe down, shake off, because it is not going to get washed (dirt hides the scratches from not paying attention when we open the doors like we were TOLD to do) – I pack. Making sure we have everything we need, from snacks, to drinks, to movies.

Ahh movies. I believe the best invention of the 20th Century was the in car DVD player. We didn’t use to have one, and by the time we got somewhere I would be so worn out from refereeing fights that I wouldn’t claim my own children. I don’t like television as a babysitter, I’ve been known to lock my kids outside on a beautiful day and make them drink from the hose when they were thirsty. (For all who think this is cruel, they were in our yard, were allowed in for bathroom breaks, etc, and I could hear every squeal of delight or terror – but my door was no longer revolving). But in a car I believe in DVD players, if possible get one with multiple head phones J (ours are now broken). Then they can watch their movie in peace and you can sing to the radio without shouts of “Mommy, stop singing, you hurt my ears!”
Who are these kids,
and why are they calling me
(my bumpersticker)