Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Finally Friday...

I know it's really Thursday - but to me it's Friday!!!

I'm taking the day off tomorrow for a girls weekend and I can't wait.  Plus it finally rained so hopefully I'll be able to breathe again soon. And today is my BFF's 30th birthday.  But I'm still swamped at work and feel like I'm neglecting you guys.  Hopefully I'll feel better next week.

If you're stopping by from the crib - we're out of diapers around here, and usually speak from bunkbeds or toddler beds.  This week I've been speaking from the land of pollen, which means not much. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the view!


  1. Um, am I missing something?! I thought today was Tuesday! One thing I have to say...allergy shots. I took them for just over a year, was supposed to take them for much longer, but insurance changed, so anyways, my allergies haven't been anywhere near as bad as what they used to be. My two kids are really suffering, and I normally would be right along with them, but those shots really did help.

  2. I am just catching up from our Spring Break so enjoy your break as well.

  3. Not sure where you are but we are totally feeling you. Down south it seems so much worse! Our shoes were covered with pollen, and our cars, the steps, the sidewalks, streets...

    I hope you feel better!


YIPEE! You decided to comment on me!