Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Venting is good for the soul

  • i hate the terrible twos
  • i'm not ready for the terrifying threes
  • i wish blogger had spell check on it again
  • i hate having to spell check
  • i love to read a good book, and hate when it is over
  • good books suck me in and push the mommy out
  • i wish i had more time in my life
  • i love all the things i do have time for
  • i detest paying bills - not because of money issues, i just detest paying them
  • i also detest weeds, and was willing to spend the $10 for black paper to keep the weeds out of my garden (newspaper just doesn't cut it)
  • i wish i was a better friend.  i never keep in touch like i should
  • on the other hand, crowds scare me
  • at the moment i want a nap
  • i won't get one
  • i don't want a blog that fizzles after a year, and next month is my year
  • i wish i had more features for my friday causes.  there are so many good causes
  • i hate being pulled in a million different directions
  • i love being a mommy (which makes the last one null and void)
  • i want new feet - ones that don't crack
  • i detest poison ivy - especially at the moment since I apparently kneeled down in it.
  • i wish i could run, or had the motivation to run


  1. Wow, what a great list! A very random list...but a great one!!!

    There's a site which lists all the random and unique holidays/causes for every month. I can't remember specifically the name of the site but if you google something like "unique holidays", I'm sure you'll find it. I'll bet you could find a ton of good causes to write about every Friday!

  2. Awesome list. You read my mind. Except I did not kneel in poison ivy. So sorry.

  3. You do NOT have permission to fizzle - I LOVE reading your blog!!!
    What book did you read?

  4. Great list. Books suck me in too. My husband knows not to try to talk to me if I am reading. I just need to teach Graham that ;)

  5. Venting is good for the soul. What a great list. Are you itching yet? I hate poison ivy it sucks. I love to read also. I do need a nap right now too. HAVE A BLESS DAY!!! :)

    Visit my blog at

  6. I love naps! I love venting! I hate poison ivy! UGH!Ihate paying bills, too - for just the same reason! Your list was charming e"vent"ful! Sometimes one just needs to vent - and it's all right to love and hate the same thing at the same time, too!

  7. You know...I don't think my son ever outgrew the terrible two's! It officially started for him when he was 5 months, and it just decided to stick with him. Still waiting...

  8. Aaah! I love a good vent! "Suck me in and push the mommy out"...LOVE it! Thanks for joining in the giveaway! Good luck!

  9. I need to vent. I really wish I had a blog where I could vent, but people would be all AT LEAST YOU HAVE FEET and them my head would pop off.

  10. I am glad that you vented! You know...I just started using firefox for my search engine even though I LOVED internet explorer...only because it has spell check. EVERYTHING you type anywhere on line it has it automatically! You should check it out. I am now following you blog by the way!


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