Monday, August 17, 2009

Before & After Twins

There are lots of before and afters -
  • before college/after college
  • before real world job/after real world job
  • before marriage/after marriage
  • before kids/after kids
  • before twins/ after twins
Of all the lessons that we learn in before and after periods, one would think we wouldn't judge those around us too harshly. HA! We all go people watch and we all judge, even if just to ourselves. I used to judge - then I had twins.

BEFORE I had twins I wanted all matching baby furniture - the stoller and carseat and highchair all looked great as a coordinated set.
AFTER I had twins, I was happy to have the high chair that was left by a neighbor for the trash man.

BEFORE I had twins I thought kids in matching clothes was cute.
AFTER I had twins I wanted to be able to tell them apart - besides hand me downs don't come in matching sets.

BEFORE I had twins I imagined making a nice breakfast each morning from scratch for my family.
AFTER I had twins I was happy to get the cherrios into the bowl.

BEFORE I had twins I dispised people who let their children throw tantrums in public.
AFTER I had twins I realized the only way to stop tantrums in public is to just not take them in public.

BEFORE I had twins I knew I would take the time to make sure I looked well put together before venturing out in public.
AFTER I had twins I realized I was lucky if my clothes matched and didn't smell of puke.

Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. ~Shel Silverstein


  1. OMG sister I am chuckling like no tomorrow!1 So true. I know I wanted the matching furniture and the yuppy lifestyle, now, I am happy to drive a minivan since it hauls my kids, I'm glad I have clothes that are clean too and don't wreak, and yeah...I leave breakfast to the weekend and the hubs. Love it!!

  2. Working with the children at church, there are a lot of things in my head about how I would raise my own children. I know that it's going to look much differently when I'm actually in those shoes!

  3. Love this list! It is equally true of Before/After Triplets :)

  4. I hated matching outfits before, requested that no one get them matching clothes (like THAT worked!). Now, my twins are 9 & sometimes like to dress the same...and I think it's cute. Go figure!

    One of my pet peeves is when people w/ 2 kids of the same sex match their kids outfits. ACK!! They are NOT twins!!!

  5. Ummm I feel that way after one child.

    @Stacy: My friend had two girls a year apart. She bought them matching shirts when they were 5 and 6 that said WE ARE NOT TWINS. Funny!

  6. Oh yes, I can agree with all of them! Mine at all of 2 refuse to dress in matching outfits - I kind of love that!

  7. Cute post! It gave me a chuckle to start my day. Thanks!

  8. I love the before/after!! Soo true. We don't have twins but our clothes are hand-me-downs too - best ever!!

  9. I can't even imagine!!

    Happy SITS day!

  10. love it!!!!! can not imagine....2 of everything!!!! :)

  11. That is so eye-opening, especially about the dressing-them-differently point.

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  12. I always wanted't sound as fun when put that way. :-)

  13. So true! Love the Shel Silverstein quote!

  14. Great post! Stopping by from SITS.

  15. I always wanted twins...and then I had one kid and I realized just how tough having a baby is! I admire you for handling it so well. If they're clothed and fed you're doing great.

  16. Good post! I always wondered why on earth anyone with identical twins would dress them alike. Don't you wanna know which kid is which? Lol!

  17. So funny! I love the way your write!! One is enough for me and I worship mom's like you that have your hands MORE than FULL!! :)

  18. Hilarious!

    Now I'm scared to have kids. What will become of me ? Haha. Your boys sound amazing.

  19. Funny stuff! I can't imagine twins...2 yes but not the same age.

  20. Stopping by through SITS. I always wanted twins, I know I must be crazy. I thought it was funny about the matching clothes. Makes sense.

  21. Aaahhh----isnt it true how our inclinations to sometimes judge other parents and their skills (or lack-there-of) decrease exponentially when we have multiples?

    Since having my triplets, one of which is Autistic, I have never judged another human being for the actions of their child :)

  22. Stopping by from SITS. I went to work the other day with dried up spit up from my youngest on my shoulder...sick part was that it made me smile and think of him all day..Ü

  23. I've often wondered about twins and hand-me-downs. You've answered my question!

  24. LOL!! It's so true!! I'm the mirror image opposite of you. 3 girls, twins came second. With my first, I got the adorable, not inexpensive bedding, super sweet clothes (though I gladly accepted all the hand-me-downs I could get!) She and I would always be gussied up when we went out. AFTER the twins came... we're lucky if we all make it out of our pajamas during the day and out of the house at all during the week. :) And I write a style blog, for crying out loud!

  25. Love the list! I don't have twins just one 7 month old but could relate to a few. One of mine was before the Babe I shaved every few days, after the Babe I forget and one day there is a forest of hair on my body!

  26. Sometimes I wish for twins (we are getting older and it is an "efficient" way to grow a family!) - and we are a bit more than half serious! Sounds fun, but so much work!

  27. I love that quote! Even with 2 (not twins but less than 2 years apart) I could totally relate with some of these.

  28. Haha mine couldn't care less about the forest, it's for sure more me caring!

  29. I love it! I don't have multiples, but I do have four, so I totally relate. I guess it's all about lowering my expectations...

    Stopping by from SITS!

  30. Love the before and after's...I can totally relate!

  31. Dead-on, girl. I'm so with you. And the quote from Shel? Made my (very late) night.

  32. I can understand where you are comin from!!

  33. You got it - in a nutshell!
    Exactly what it means to be a mom. :-)


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