Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 in Review: Part 1

Is it really bad that I can't remember the first few months of 2009?  I wasn't blogging yet, so I didn't have daily or almost daily chronicles of my life and I can't remember what happened. 

I know that little man was just starting to talk - he took a long time to talk.  I know that the boys were in the first grade and played baseball in the spring.  But the details - I don't remember any details.  The details that I want to remember and keep a history of - those are the things you don't get to keep when you don't blog.  It's the whole reason I started blogging.  I had tried various ways of writing down things that happened in our lives, little things that the boys did or said, but I wasn't good at keeping up with it. 

Blogosphere has brought me a way of keeping the memories.  Of course I had no idea that it would bring me a whole community of friends and that I would be able to piece bake some of the memories of when the boys were younger.

So while I don't remember much of the beginning of 2009 I do have a few memories from the first six months and a few from before 2009 that I was able to capture and preserve.

T1 learned that mommy was scared of dead lizards.
We played a lot of baseball
and little man taught us all the Toddler's Creed!
I remembered about the Toothless Tooth Fairy

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years


  1. Wow,,Id never thought of it that way..I dont remember the little details either ..or the bigger events...Wow thats awful...And I did keep a blog..more of an arty blog but WTF...I am glad you posted this..I want to incorporate einto my goals for 2010...Thanks..!!

  2. I can remember a few things - but not many...I started blogging way too late this year! Hopefully I will remember more of 2010 :)


  3. Beautiful. I need to do this. Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow. It's going to be so hard to look back through these posts. I don't know.

  4. I can't remember too much. I was trying to remember stuff from the decade. Impossible.

  5. Where did the year go??? Good thing you have your blog to hold memories. Happy New Year!


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