Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th, to all the veterans and their families

November 11th is Veterans day here in the US and Rememberance Day or Armistice Day in other parts of the world.  The day is in rememberance of the signing of the Armistice during the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 that ended World War I.  That should be easy enough to remember.

Yet most of us pass this holiday over like it is nothing.  We don't remember why it was started, what it is about, or what to do about it.  We do seem to remember that the kids get out of school and the banks are closed.

There are a few women around here, whom I'm sure don't ever forget Veterans Day.  Today I want you to take the time to go see them, go say "Thank you for holding down your household so your husband can fight for my freedom."  Because that is what these women do.  Then say thank you to a current serviceman who is fighting for your freedom now.  And when you are done thank someone who came before you, and fought for your freedom before you knew what it was.

Go over to It's Twinsanity  - her husband is leaving to go back to Iraq soon.  He will be fighting for all of us, while she stays home and cares for their six children. 

Spend some time at Angela's Soliloquy.  Her husband fought for us, and she continues to fight for the families of servicemen and women.

Take the time today - to remember how we all got here, and who is still fighting to keep us here!

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis


  1. Fabulous! I love that you did this...I think too often we do look over Armistice Day! I remember this from civics class. Way to go mama!

  2. Great post, thank you for sharing those blogs!

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for reminding us!

  4. My brother-in-law just got back from his second tour, my sister was there a year ago. I will not forget, especially in light of Ft. Hood.

    What a nice post and of course, a great reminder.

  5. Anti-Supermom: Tell your Brother-in-law and Sister THANK YOU!!!


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