Monday, November 30, 2009

When all is quiet

When all is quiet, as Mom's, we know something is wrong.

We wish for peace and tranquility in our homes, but we never ever wish for quiet.  For when it is quiet, strange things begin to occur.

Once when the twins were 2, I went to the bathroom.  Mistake 1:  Bathroom breaks are not allowed.  When I came out of the bathroom, I immediately knew something was wrong, because the house was quiet.  I started looking for something to calm my fears.  I found my troublemakers in the kitchen.  T1: was holding the high chair steady in front of the stove while T2 was standing in the high chair - stirring the pot on the stove.  (no the stove was not on)

See, I had the immediate instinct and knowledge of what happens when all is quiet.  My dear hubby didn't.  He asked for a few minutes of quiet out of everyone, and sadly he got it.

While enjoying his quiet he walked into the kitchen where he found little man - he also found a great big mess.  Little man had decided Daddy needed some coffee, and so doing like Daddy does, went to get some coffee grinds.  He then proceeded to dump about 10 scoops of grinds into the coffee machine.  Of course they didn't all make it in - what machine holds that much?  So there were grinds on the counter, stove and floor.  I only wish dear hubby had taken a picture.  He did learn that quiet is something he won't ask for again.

What have your kids done when all is quiet?

Friday, November 27, 2009

The 80's are back to haunt us! PART 2

Thank goodness Thanksgiving is over - now to get ready for Christmas.  Don't wanna blog about Thanksgiving or Christmas yet.  So here goes.

This post is dedicated to: Mrs. Fish (now you owe me), and Anti-Supermom (because you had the guts first), and all the other ladies who agree the 80's should stay in the 80s!

I had Oprah on in the background the a few weeks ago while I was reading (quiet doesn't sit well for me unless I'm trying to sleep - something to do with having too many boys in our house).  Anyway.  I was reading when all the sudden I heard profanity on the screen.  This high fashion dude says "the 80's are back"

I wanted to run screaming from the room!  But instead I stopped reading and turned up the volume to listen to this man talk about how to wear the "latest" 80s fashions. People - don't you get it???  The 80's are over for a reason.  (To see a bulleted list go here)  Those of us who lived through it the first time do NOT want to go back - ever. 

Apparently you still don't believe me.  Well the hot-shot fashion dude said ruffles are back.  I remember ruffles, they went something like this.

Not so fabulous right?

He also said over the knee boots are back.  He said you can wear them over your skinny jeans.  Skinny jeans, I will not be caught dead in skinny jeans.  I know leg warmers are back, along with jean skirts and tights.  I've heard hammer pants are back.  But I'm waiting, I'm waiting to see the bangs.  When we see the bangs come back, we'll know we've lost all hope.

Please people, take this as a sign of warning, you don't want to be remembered like this!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving - Part 5 of 5

Today is Thanksgiving (and 29 days before Christmas). We usually take the day to spend time with our families, watch a parade (football), and eat - a lot. Many times we forget why Thanksgiving was started and we forget to be thankful.

Each day this week I've talked about something I'm thankful for in detail.  Today I'm doing it a little differently. 

Today I am thankful for 50 things! (in random order b/c my brain works that way)

  1. God

  2. my husband

  3. my children

  4. great friends

  5. family

  6. chocolate

  7. pepsi

  8. a home that is ours

  9. a computer

  10. the ability to read

  11. trees

  12. starlight

  13. my suburban

  14. new tires for my suburban

  15. a great school for my children

  16. awesome teachers at said school

  17. blogosphere

  18. Mrs. Fish

  19. Allison

  20. the ease of the internet

  21. online banking

  22. my dog (not necessisarily my husbands dog :)

  23. great doctors

  24. the power of prayer

  25. rugby

  26. a job that I love

  27. rain

  28. flowers - especially iris

  29. food in my belly

  30. puddles to jump in

  31. christmas wonder

  32. in vehicle dvd player

  33. naps

  34. heat (and airconditioning in the summer)

  35. a fireplace

  36. health insurance

  37. a warm jacket

  38. rain

  39. sunshine

  40. living in the south

  41. coffee makers

  42. my cell phone

  43. the fact that work pays my cell phone bill

  44. my health

  45. the health of my family

  46. music

  47. movies

  48. popcorn

  49. laughter


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving - Part 4 of 5

In case you missed Sunday's post or didn't know, Thursday is Thanksgiving (and 29 days before Christmas). We usually take the day to spend time with our families, watch a parade (football), and eat - a lot. Many times we forget why Thanksgiving was started and we forget to be thankful.

Each day this week I am going to talk about something I am thankful for and on Thursday I will have a list of 50 things. Feel free to join me this one day or every day this week!

Today I am thankful we have everything we need.

Needs and wants are something we all get confused from time to time.  We need a roof over our heads, we want the biggest house on the block.  We need clothes to wear, we want the latest fashions.

As Moms, we have this desire to do better for our children than was done for us, but better does not always mean more.

While my children are pining for their own PSP, and I would like a bigger house with hardwood floors.  Today I am happy that we have a warm home, with heat (and air in the summer).  I am happy we have our health (even if I've been under the weather this week).  I am happy we have warm clothes to wear and cars that run.
No, we are not rolling in the money right now.  Dear Hubby has been out of work for awhile due to this great economy.  BUT we have what we need and we make do and today that is good enough for me.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving - Part 2/3 of 5

In case you missed Sunday's post or didn't know, Thursday is Thanksgiving (and 29 days before Christmas). We usually take the day to spend time with our families, watch a parade (football), and eat - a lot. Many times we forget why Thanksgiving was started and we forget to be thankful.  My goal was to have 5 posts this week of things I am thankful for - ending with 50 things on Thursday.  We'll I got sick and Monday's post (post 2) didn't happen.  So here is post 2 and 3 all rolled into one.

Today and everyday I am thankful for my children - all three of them.

It amazes me how many people think having children is easy.  Well, the getting pregnant was easy for me too - but the staying that way was always a problem.

The first time I got pregnant was actually on accident.  See birth control pills and antibiotics don't mix.  The antibiotics make the pill null and void.  My dear hubby and I were both suprised, but excited.  Unfortuantely the pregnancy was lost at just 5 weeks - only days after I'd found out.  At that point we knew we wanted to have children, and I had been told a few years earlier - that I couldn't wait forever to have kids.  The doctor told me I'd probably have a hysterectomy by the time I was 30.  Dear hubby and I decided to let my body heal and then try again. 
September 11 happened and it was a blow to everyone everywhere.  Admist all the emotion was this sense of here and now and not waiting for the future.  A few days later I was pregnant again.  We were excited and I was at the doctor lickity split.  My ob is probably the best ob in the world.  The day after my appointment the nurse called and put the doctor on the phone.  Something was wrong with my hormone levels and I had to come in for an ultrasound.  Turned out my pregnancy was eptopic and had to be terminated.  I chose to go with methotrexate which was the least invasive.  Two weeks later, after still being in pain, we chose to have surgery - something was still wrong.
Turns out I had endometriosis which is why I wasn't able to carry.  They were able to burn off a lot of it.  And apparently the doctor told my family that I would be super fertile after the surgery - no one told me.

In December I went back to the doctor.  I was pregnant again, days later - we found out it was identical twins (for their whole story go here).  I carried them 35 weeks and 5 days with no more problems.  Today they are happy healthy boys.  I am so thankful that I can see them grow and learn each and every day.

Years after having the twins (we were scared we'd have twins again).  We were able to get pregnant with little man.  His pregnancy was fairly uneventful, but afterwards we were in shock (for the whole story go here or my life changing moment go here).  The great part is - today he is healthy (and yes one day I will blog about the journey). 

Today all my children are healthy (even if Mommy is still a little sick) and I am grateful to have three happy healthy beautiful boys.

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving: Part 1 of 5

In case you didn't know, Thursday is Thanksgiving (and 29 days before Christmas).  We usually take the day to spend time with our families, watch a parade (football), and eat - a lot.  Many times we forget why Thanksgiving was started and we forget to be thankful. 

Thanksgiving started as a harvest festival dinner, out of gratitude for the food and the people that had come together.  As we celebrate the day - we should remember to be grateful for the things that we have in our lives, from the food on our plates, to the people who are here to eat with us.  I know that during these times, it is harder to be thankful for what we do have, but that is why it is so important.  Each day this week I am going to talk about something I am thankful for and on Thursday I will have a list of 50 things.  Feel free to join me this one day or every day this week!

Today - and everyday I am thankful for my husband.

Growing up, girls dream of a man to stand by their side.  Our desires to always have someone and be able to stop looking for Mr. Right - overshadow everything else we do.

I met Mr. Right 9 years ago.  I also stood him up on our first date - on purpose.  It took a long time of being pushed and prodded by friends to go for Mr. Right before I would listen.  I'm glad I finally did.

We have been through a lot together.  Some very scary moments (if you read last week's post you know what I mean) and some great ones too.  Life has not always turned out like we planned.  We have set goals and watched them wash away.  We've made timelines only to have them blown out of the water.  Through everything and anything he has stood by my side.  Together we go through thick and thin.  Together we face this world.

I am thankful for my husband,
  • who loves me no matter what
  • who stands with me, not in front of or behind me
  • who supports my every endeavor
  • who is willing to do whatever it takes to make our household work
  • who loves his children like nothing else
  • who is a great father, son, brother, friend
  • who makes my coffee each day
John, I love you.  Always and Forever.  Thank you.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Coach who is an %&&, these kids are only seven

Dear Coach who is an %&&,

Our children have been playing sports since they were wrestling in the womb.  They love sports and have unreal desire to play each and every game there is.  Even though they did not get their awesome athletic ability from me, I am going to support them in everything they do.

When I take them to practice or games, we go in expectation of having fun.  It is about enjoying exercise, learning something new, having fun with friends.  If we happen to win, great, if we don't, that is ok too.  I've taught my children that for every "winner" there must be a "loser" and that good sportsmanship is as important as actually winning the game.  They know they are not going to win every game and they know it is ok to lose.  At least they tried. 

During our last game, I was appalled at how you yelled at your players.  Your tone was one of a dictator instead of a coach and you never ever told them good job for something they did right.  Yes, your team is fairly good - they've been playing together since they were 4.  No, our team has not been playing together for longer than 2 months.  Most of our players haven't even played soccer before, but I didn't think that should matter. Apparently it does matter.  Apparently it means that your team should beat our team each and every time.

I know we amazed you when your team was only able to score on us once in the last game.  Does that mean you should get pissed off?  Does that mean you should yell that your team should have scored more?  Does that mean you should be mad at your team?  They tried really hard to score more often.  It just so happened that our goalie had learned a lot throughout the season and was on his A game that night.  Ever think to tell him good job?  After all they are only 7-8 year olds.

And our goalie - he thinks you're nuts.  He's glad you're not his coach (there went your dreams of recruiting an awesome goalie).  He loves that he was able to make a mean coach mad.

Mom of the goalie who pissed you off

Thursday, November 19, 2009

how an introduction changed my life

There are moments in our lives that change us forever. Sometimes they are small, sometimes they are large. You may or may not know your world is changing, but however it happens we are changed.

Mama Kat (by way of Leslee) asked us to "Describe in 1000 words or less a time when something happened and you knew that life would never be the same."

My moment occurred by way of an introduction. I was laying in my hospital bed when a man walked in and introduced himself.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Ohlmstede, I am a pediatric cardiologist."

My first thoughts were along the lines of "oh, shit!"
I knew in that moment my world was changed forever.

I was alone at the hospital, the day after giving birth to our youngest son. My husband had gone out to get lunch, and I was enjoying a nap. The pediatrician on call had told me earlier in the day, that she heard a heart murmur on our son, but that it was probably the normal DA closing off and not to worry. Amazingly enough I didn't worry. Until I saw the "pediatric cardiologist."

"A pediatric cardiologist" are words no mother should ever have to hear.

I immediately knew something was really wrong with our son. I knew that this wasn't going to be good and I fought back tears and emotion so I could hear what he was saying. Amazingly, he was the gentlest doctor I'd ever met. He knew that he was delivering a crushing blow to me and he wanted to do it as gently as possible.

He sat down next to the bed and explained that after hearing the murmur, the pediatrician had ordered a echo-cardiogram to make sure it was nothing out of normal. The echo showed that my son indeed had a heart murmur, due to a heart defect called Ebstein's Anomaly.

At that point I started to crumble. I wanted my husband there to go through this moment with me, but I was all alone. I wanted to order the doctor out of our room, so that maybe I could wake up from this bad dream. Unfortunately, I can't make up words like Ebstein's Anomaly in my dreams, and I knew I had to concentrate on what the doctor was saying.

He went on to tell me that birth defects are really common, that they occur in 1 out of every 100 births, and that I didn't do anything wrong.

The waves of shock just kept coming. How could I not know about the possibility of a heart defect. I knew of down's syndrome, and spina bifida, but none of those occur even remotely as often as 1 out of 100. How come my ob never told me?

He kept talking, and I was trying to keep up. Thankfully he was patient with me.

He went on and explained that of all the heart defects, our son had one of the most rare. Ebstein's occurs 1 out of 30,000 and no one knows why.

I should really start playing the lottery.

He wanted to draw a picture of the heart and explain to me what was going on, but didn't have any paper. I gave him the back of my breastfeeding instructions. He explained that Ebstein's Anomaly occurs when the tricuspid valve doesn't close properly. This allows blood to leak back through the valve, and may cause the right atrium to be enlarged. In effect, not enough blood was getting oxygenized before going back into the body.

I wanted more details, I wanted a bigger picture. What did this mean? Would my son have to have heart surgery? Will he .......

Dr. Ohlmstede immediately started to calm the fears that came across my face. My son was not in immediate danger. We would have follow up appointments, and more tests run before anything was done. We would learn what to look for and how to take care of him. He also told me to be careful of what I read on the internet. That their pictures are usually worst case scenario and we didn't have the worst case.

Thank God.

He told me we would have an appointment to come into his office after we were discharged and he would do more tests and show us pictures of our son's heart.

I was grateful for this doctor and how calm he was.

He thanked me for letting him talk to me. He said he knew I would have more questions after I processed everything and that he would come back the next day and talk to my husband and I together. He would go through every question we had. And then he left.

And I crumbled. Life would never be the same.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

where did you come from? II

I am going to start making this a monthly read - I just can't get enough of you people.  You search for something and then decide that my little blog fits what you are searching for, so you click and land here.  Poor you.
I mean really you searched for:
  • taboo little league - well I didn't know little league was taboo
  • seven year old tantrums - you need to see SuperNanny about that, not me.  My two year old has tantrums, my seven year olds know better
  • sneezed peed pants - well - I guess you were looking for someone to commiserate with
  • vodka + hemorrhoids - are you asking if vodka makes them worse or better, or causes them?  maybe you need Aunt Becky.
  • hemorrhoid harry - I'm just not sure about this one at all
  • poop sayings - we have plenty to say about poop, so you may have found the right spot here
  • can i have a tantrum on the floor - why yes you can, go right ahead, and then go clean your room
  • 3 boys what's my next kid - let me guess...wait a minute... a boy?
  • crap hemorrhoids - what kind aren't crap?
  • what happens when you cry during pregnancy - people know its the hormones
  • secret ingredient for the smell of funnel cakes - I didn't know there was one - but I bet the ingredient is the fair
  • whats life like with 3 boys - well you my dear, unlike some of these others, found exactly what you were searching for!
When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of advice he wants, and I give it to him. ~Henry Wheeler Shaw, a.k.a. Josh Billings

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

a Fight for Preemies

Today, November 17, is dedicated to raising awareness of premature birth (before 37 weeks).  1 in 8 children in the US are born premature, leading to time spent in NICU and dangerous complications.  In my house 2 of my 3 children were born premature.

For some of us (especially Moms of Multiples) we get it early on.  We know that our children are not going to make it to full term and we start weighing our options and setting benchmark dates early on.  I think for us, it is easier to carry longer because we are very aware of the survival rates.

When I was pregnant with my singleton, no one ever said a word about benchmark dates other than my "due date" and no one said a word about the need to make it as long as possible. I believe that every pregnant woman should know what dates are important for the chance of their child's survival and how to strive for those dates. Because the reality is nearly 13 million babies are born premature each year and more than 1 million of those don't make it.

If you, or someone you know (I sound like a commerical) are pregnant, do some research, educate your self and then pass it along.  The March of Dimes or the Mayo Clinic  has loads of information in addition to what I have below.
  • Week 22 - the first time life outside of the womb is possible, but with the most risk
  • Week 25 - your baby almost weighs 2 lbs
  • Week 27 - the branches of the lungs are just starting to develop, chances of survival increase
  • Week 34 - organs almost fully developed, except for lungs
  • Week 35 - lungs almost fully developed - but still the chance of the incubator
  • Week 37 - baby is considered full term (even though your due date is still 3 weeks away and your baby needs to grow more in size)

Monday, November 16, 2009

what happened AFTER the parent/teacher conference

This past Friday I went to the dreaded parent/teacher conference. I wasn't really worried - they've been great in school.  But these are 7 year olds in the 2nd grade and I believe in parent involvement.  I don't have to be the class mom, but I do want to know what is going on with my kids.

The conference went really well - I was a proud Mommy as I sat and listened to the teachers just rave about how wonderful our boys are at school.  (Inside thinking, are you talking about the same kids who have knock down drag out fights at home?)

Anyway -that's not the point of the story - although I wish it was.  At 8am the bell rang for the students to go to their classrooms and we quickly finished up.  As the teachers were nice enough to combine the conference for the twins, we happened to be meeting in T2's classroom.  I was about to get up when T2 comes bounding into the room and says to all his friends, "That's my Mommy!"  and he came over and gave me a big hug.  He and I talked for a minute and I tried to figure out why the side of his neck was hurting.  Then I told him bye, I wanted to see T1 before the tardy bell rang.  T2 gave me a hug bye and I went next door.

T1 was in class, unpacking his book bag, and immediately saw me from across the room.  I walked in and said, "Just wanted to say hi since I saw T2."  He looked at me with this strange look on his face, something I didn't recognize at first, as he replied "Hi"

T1's assistant teacher immediately engaged me in conversation and I half listened as I watched my son who was beginning to intrigue me.  He came within about 3 feet of us to put his jacket and book bag in his cubby.  We made eye contact, I tried to engage him in the conversation his teacher and I were having about him, but he just looked at me.

He looked at me with an awkward almost, but not quite, embarrassed look.  He rolled his eyes at me.  Then he went back to his seat without a word.  I finished my conversation and said bye from across the room, T1 grinned, his class clown grin, and said "bye."

That's when I got it.

This was the first time my son didn't want me.

He didn'tt want his MOMMY to embarrass him.  In class he is cool - but having MOMMY there in the morning makes him NOT cool. 

Next time Mommy is going to walk right over and make a big production out of hugging her baby boy!

Has your child had their "Mommy's not cool" moment yet?

Friday, November 13, 2009

So it's Christmas and you're broke - who isn't?

In case you live in a cave, or aren't from around these parts, we are in a recession/depression (depending on who you ask).  No one has the money to go out and spend loads for Christmas, but we want to give just the same.

Giving is no longer what it used to be.  I have customer's asking for donations to charity instead of their usual gifts.  Families are starting to draw names instead of buying for every single aunt, uncle, cousin, niece and nephew. 

Even with all of these changes, we still have this strong desire to give to our families, especially our children.  We don't want them to see how the economy has affected us on a personal level.  We do not want them to worry about money or the future.

Well either get over it, or get real creative about your spending.

I'm doing both.  The kids aren't going to get what they are used to getting (although I will say my children don't ever ask for much - only one or two things).  And I'm getting creative about my spending.  I'm making a list, or two, or three, comparing deals, prices, freebees, (and entering a few Christmas giveaways).  So I thought I'd share my knowledge with you - so you can get in on these too!

1. Check out the saver websites: Mommy Savers  is a fantastic website that I have been a member of (its free) for a couple years now (and no they did not know I was writing this).  There are all kinds of articles about saving money on any and everything.  PLUS their forum is constantly being updated by people who have found great freebes or awesome online codes or great in store bargains.  Just a sample of what you can find on their site
2. Check into Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals: We've all heard of Black Friday and you either do it or you don't.  I was one of those who didn't until I saw a couple of deals I couldn't pass up.  Watch these sites and see if it is worth going out on Black Friday.
Cyber Monday is the Monday after Thanksgiving and it is the day that all us cyber junkies do all of our shopping - lots of deals are done that day also.
3. Make your own gifts.  Yes it may require a skill and some time, but there are a lot of terrific ideas out there that don't look like first grader crap and mean more when given.  Try these 50 ideas!

4. Win something in Blogosphere:  I may be the only blogger not doing a Christmas extravaganza/gift guide/giveaway, but that doesn't stop me from going to see what is out there and trying to win a few of my gifts.  You get to meet new people, get some great ideas and hey you just might be able to check someone off your list.
Any thrifty ideas that I missed?

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.
~Larry Wilde, The Merry Book of Christmas

the dreaded parent/teachers conference

At 7:30 am on this Friday the 13th, I will be at school for a parent-teachers conference.  Notice I said teachers - not teacher.  Even though the twins are in separate classes, their teachers were nice enough to do a joint conference for me so I don't have to go to school on two different days. 

For 30 minutes I will get to listen to the teachers tell me all about my children, their behavior and how they are progressing.

Wish me luck and very little embarassment.

The only reason I always try to meet and know the parents better is because it helps me to forgive their children. ~Louis Johannot

Thursday, November 12, 2009

creative punishments because who likes the same ol' beatings

We are not getting into spanking today - but for the sake of this post - we are leaving it at spanking is boring. 

Besides if I spanked my kids everytime they fought - my hand would be black and blue.  Instead I choose to make them apologize and hug each other.  If they are having a particularly bad day - I make them stand in the front yard and hug for 2 minutes while the neighbors drive by.  Let's just say it does the trick - for a day or so.

Mama Kat asked us to "Describe the best/most creative punishment you have ever given your children or received yourself."

My punishments weren't very creative growing up, even though I wasn't grounded, my father would just talk to me and I would crumble.  Even today, if he were to take that tone, I'd still lose it.  (somethings you never grow out of)

I'm more of the get creative type.  I'm still working on my "most creative punishment."  So far there have been a couple that have come close.
  • scrubbing the kitchen floor with a scrub brush
  • cleaning walls with a toothbrush after writing on them (he was six and totally knew better)
  • a drop of hot sauce (texas pete which is not hot) for lying
Any ideas on the "most creative" punishment?

When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window. ~Ogden Nash

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th, to all the veterans and their families

November 11th is Veterans day here in the US and Rememberance Day or Armistice Day in other parts of the world.  The day is in rememberance of the signing of the Armistice during the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 that ended World War I.  That should be easy enough to remember.

Yet most of us pass this holiday over like it is nothing.  We don't remember why it was started, what it is about, or what to do about it.  We do seem to remember that the kids get out of school and the banks are closed.

There are a few women around here, whom I'm sure don't ever forget Veterans Day.  Today I want you to take the time to go see them, go say "Thank you for holding down your household so your husband can fight for my freedom."  Because that is what these women do.  Then say thank you to a current serviceman who is fighting for your freedom now.  And when you are done thank someone who came before you, and fought for your freedom before you knew what it was.

Go over to It's Twinsanity  - her husband is leaving to go back to Iraq soon.  He will be fighting for all of us, while she stays home and cares for their six children. 

Spend some time at Angela's Soliloquy.  Her husband fought for us, and she continues to fight for the families of servicemen and women.

Take the time today - to remember how we all got here, and who is still fighting to keep us here!

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mount Laundry

In case you didn't count the number of characters in this blog (see right side) - we are a family of 5. A family of five can make a LOT of laundry. But a family of 5 that contains boys who play sports, like dirt, don't mind changing out of wet clothes into new dry ones 30 minutes before bath time, use multiple towels and must go through no less than 1 1/2 pairs of socks per day make a MOUNTAIN of laundry.

Don't believe me? On Sundays I wash no less than 8 loads of laundry. Typically it is 9 or 10. Add sheets and you've got 13 loads. I hate laundry. I'll put in the washer - Bradley will pass it to the dryer - no big deal.

But the FOLDING. I hate it. And the putting AWAY the laundry - well that's why I have kids right?

Still don't believe we have a mountain of laundry? Check out this picture. This is our clean laundry pile at the end of the day on Sundays before I sit down to fold it all (yes I procrastinate until the end).

I will admit there is a couch under there - somewhere. Play Where's Waldo - I mean Where's Couch and see if you can find it.

This house is protected by killer dust bunnies. ~Author Unknown

Friday, November 6, 2009

I was funny on the freak show

Did you know I was funny?  So funny that I won a little prize for being the funniest?  Those very near and dear to my heart know that I'm funny.  Not like my son who is a stand up comic, more in a silly sarcastic way. 

This doesn't make a lot of sense does it - well if you want something to make sense you are in the wrong place.  So go over to Leigh's place for Freak Show Friday and see what real humor is all about.  You may even see me - or someone funnier than me.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

why I can't sleep or why they can't sleep

If I'm able to lay down before my dearest hubby, I'm able to sleep no problem.  I sleep soundly until the alarm goes off and then I decide if I'm going to keep sleeping or actually get up.  If hubby goes to sleep before me, I might as well sleep on the couch.  The freight train soundtrack is just not something I can sleep by - although if already asleep it doesn't bother me.

My children however have every reason in the book as to why they can't sleep.  Tyler came up to me last night 10 minutes after laying down and said he couldn't breathe right.  He was breathing fine - just making as much noise as possible while doing so.  I told him to try breathing with his mouth shut - he tried it - and then said "oh, that's much better!"

Once asleep my children have always slept soundly. (for the most part).  Yes I am one of those few lucky Moms whose children slept through the night by 3 months old.  The sleeping part isn't the problem.  It's the getting there.  See the twins have always shared a room. While being separated at night is something that absolutely terrifies them, being together can makes bedtime difficult.   So here are the TOP 10 reasons to get out of bed - per Nathaniel and Tyler.

  1. I have to go to the bathroom.
  2. I need a cup of water.
  3. I like your bed better.
  4. The light won't work.
  5. It's not dark yet. (in the summer)
  6. It's too dark. (in the winter)
  7. He called me a selfish hairball!
  8. He won't stop making me laugh.
  9. He has a toy.
  10. He spit on me!

Want more - go see Mama Kat!
Why won't your kids go to sleep?

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are you sure it's not honest crap?

Really- some days I think my posts are all crap, not scrap.  Especially as I approach my 100th post and I go back and look at the first 2 months worth.  For the first 2 months, I blogged in hiding - it took 4 weeks for me to even tell my husband what I was doing, much less anyone else.  Then I started to branch out and found a couple of awesome groups like SITS, that introduced me to some of the most amazing people.  I've met women from all walks of life through our blogosphere and some of them I really do admire.

It took a long time to feel like my blog was worth reading - I've watched every follower that adds me and delight in the fact that someone wants to read what I write.  Then all of the sudden I started getting awards - I am not used to awards.  It amazes me everytime I see one - and today I humbley accept these three.

The first comes from Laugh until you Cry.  I recently stumbled across her and have made her blog a daily read.  She has such an adorable family.  Thank you Beth for this award.
Her award to me is Honest Scrap and it comes with rules.
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog.

2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
3. Present this award to 7 other whose blogs you find brilliant in design or content.
4. Tell those 7 people they have been awarded.

Truths about me - ha - things you never wanted to know
  • I love my job and the fact that I get to wear jeans everyday to work
  • I am not a morning person, I've never been a morning person.  Somehow having kids made this easier, but it is still not my favorite time of day.
  • Even though I'm not an early morning person - once I do wake up - I can get more done by 10am than I can the rest of the day.
  • It takes me exactly 1 cup of coffee each day to get moving - no more no less.
  • I have very short stubby toes - and they go straight across not at an angle - so no narrow shoes for me!
  • I wanted twins - my dream was to have twin boys and then a girl so that we wouldn't have a middle child. 
  • I'm addicted to caffiene.  I may only have one cup of coffee a day, but then I also have 1 pepsi and many glasses of tea.
  • I'm really mad the new blogger editor doesn't have spell check - because I am the world's crappiest speller.  I've taken to writing my posts in word and then transfering them.
  • Now that I enjoy blogging - I can't believe I haven't been doing it for years.
  • To deal with having all boys at home and at work - I coach Women's Rugby at the local university.

And now for my seven recipients:

The next award comes from Leigh vs. Laundry.  I found this fabulous chick via the crib and have become addicted to her blog.  She has so much fun, and some fabulous pictures.  She gave me the heartfelt award and I take that to be a real honor, thank you Leigh!
I am passing this award on to these five ladies.

 The final award came from Desert Rose Moments.  She is probably one of my newest finds, and as you can tell by my nomination back to her, one of my new faves!  Mom to five, she is always on a roll.  Desert Rose, thank you and come take your award!  The rules of the friends award are
"This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

And my eight recipents are:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's November 3rd, not Christmas!

Today is November 3.
It is not Christmas.
We haven't even made it to Thanksgiving yet.
We just finished Halloween!

Yet, I find myself surronded by Christmas. 

First let me qualify this whole post.  I love Christmas, I love holidays. But I am a one at a time holiday kind of gal.  I may start looking for stuff now - but really my shopping doesn't really start until after Thanksgiving (granted I will not shop on Christmas Eve, did it once and learned my lesson).

I have a friend who starts decorating for Christmas on November first.  She can't wait for Halloween to be over so she can start decorating.  I was in CVS on Friday - they had her beat.  They had Halloween and Christmas decor side by side.

New releases of Christmas music are coming out - it's all I heard about on the radio this morning. 

And then I get here and there are all these Christmas lists - giveaways and such.  I understand that giveaways can't be done at the last minute - and some of them are pretty awesome (The Five Fish has a whole month long series going on, and I did enter for some pearls, new shoes, and a kids kitchen set), but I'm just not ready for Christmas yet.

I want to enjoy the here and now.  I love Halloween and we all got decked out in our costumes (pics of which will not upload for some reason).  We are still eating the pounds of candy left over.  We still have our Jack-O-lanterns outside. 

Next week we'll start talking about Thanksgiving and the kids will start making turkeys out of hands at school.  I'll make my thankful list - because at this time, we need to remember all the things we do have instead of what we don't.

And then later on- I'll go Christmas shopping - probably the day after Thanksgiving - it is the most wonderful time of the year you know!

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present. ~Babatunde Olatunji

Sunday, November 1, 2009

when it's easier to count candy by the pound

The question of the week posted by Multiples and More is
What is your policy on giving kids candy? What age do you think it is appropriate?

And.. be honest.. do you eat your kids Halloween candy?:)

Let's be honest, that's a loaded question if I ever saw one - especially in this house.  Especially after last year.  Last year we went trick or treating downtown in the historical district.  (I live in the sticks - literally and no one goes trick or treating out here). By the time we got everyone loaded and made the trek and parked and got out - most houses were closed up.  We went anyway, walked 3 blocks and rang 6 doorbells.  As we were walking down from the 6th house, Tyler fell and gashed his finger.  Mommy that I am, of course I had my trusty first aid kit on me - NOT.  So I improvised and cut a piece of his face mask into a strip and wrapped up his finger.  We walked back to the car with him howling the whole way - and I felt so bad for my kids, they only got 6 pieces of candy.  No loot, no heavy bags - so we stopped at a gas station and bought them each a pack of gum and a bag of candy. 

Maybe we should have done the same this year.

Instead we went to a halloween party Friday night, and they got a little bit of candy.  Then we went to a Halloween festival at a church (I figured it would be safer than trick or treating).   This is what we walked away with. 

It is easier to measure this amount of candy by the pound than by the piece.  And yes there are 2 containers of cupcakes and a cake in there.

We're lucky - our boys aren't candy crazy.  If I gave it to them - they wouldn't sit down and eat the whole lot at once (well maybe little man).  Even so, we monitor how much they have and when.  One piece after lunch, one later on - gum whenever as long as they throw it in the trash afterwards.

I'm not picky about what they eat - except for little man.  He can't have lollipops yet because I'm afraid he'll try to bite them and then choke - the same goes for other hard candy.  After than he's good to go - in moderation.

Am I crazy?  Maybe - but isn't that what halloween is about?